Flash Player 緊急パッチ

定例外で Adobe Flash Player のアップデートが 9/21 に公開される。
Google Chrome は既に修正された Flash Player へ更新した v14.0.835.186 を公開。

Adobe Product Security Incident Response Team(PSIRT)の公式ブログによると、このアップデートでは、危険度のレーティングが4段階中で最も高い“Critical”の脆弱性を修正する。また、危険度が上から2番目の“Important”となるユニバーサルクロスサイトスクリプティング脆弱性にも対応。こちらについては、すでに標的型攻撃で悪用が報告されているものだという。

Flash Playerの緊急パッチを21日に公開、深刻な脆弱性を修正 (INTERNET Watch)

Autoruns v11, Coreinfo v3.01, ProcDump v4.01, Process Explorer v15.05

Autoruns v11: This update to Autoruns, a GUI and command-line tool that lists executables configured to run when you boot, logon or run common applications, adds a “jump to folder” command and several additional autostart locations. The command-line version, Autorunsc, adds a new switch to show file hashes and an option to display the autostart entries for all user accounts registered on a system.

Coreinfo v3.01: This update to Coreinfo, a command-line utility that shows processor features and topology, fixes a bug in the way it reports hyper-threading and gives a warning when showing virtualization features and a hypervisor is running.

ProcDump v4.01: This release of ProcDump, a tool for capturing process memory dumps, adds a context record for 1st chance exception dumps so that registers and the call stack of the faulting thread are captured.

Process Explorer v15.05: This update fixes a bug in cycle CPU usage calculation on Windows 7.

Autoruns v11, Coreinfo v3.01, ProcDump v4.01, Process Explorer v15.05, and Mark at BUILD. (Sysinternals Site Discussion)